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Website and online shop for Code:RAIN - waterproof rain jackets and capes printed with beautiful designs of artistic photographs.


Website/online shop design

and development on Wix platform.

Website for Code:RAIN, build on Wix platform.

CodeRain website's design shown on mockup for desktop view.

The colors used in the website are also very important element. We use a minimalistic black and white color scheme to highlight the patterned and bright colored products.

White and black monochrome fields allow products to stand out and to be presented clearly and stylishly; the text to be readable and the site to be well received by visitors.


CodeRain website's design shown on mockup for mobile view.

Website and online shop development for Code:RAIN -

a brand for designing and manufacturing waterproof rain jackets.
The jackets are printed with designs of beautiful author’s photos from
around the world - each photo has its story behind and caries its author’s name.


The style we are looking for is very clean, minimalistic as the main product -
the jacket itself, is colorful and bright. The jackets stand out from the
clean white background and catch the customer eye.


The site design should be taken into account easy navigation,

logical arrangement of elements and a clear presentation of

the brand‘s products.


CodeRain website's color palette


CodeRain website's designs shown on mockup.

While developing the design,

we ensured the adaptability of all elements.

The mobile version allows convenient navigation, easy orientation on the site, logical and systematic view of the site, easy execution of an order from the online store


The fonts are clean and inspire confidence.

The used fonts in CodeRain's website are Futura and Avenir Light
CodeRain website's design shown on mockup
CodeRain website's design shown on flat page view mockup.
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